Earlier this week the PurKids Foundation Inc. held its very first board of Directors meeting here in Kelowna. To many of you this may be ... *yyyaaaawwwwnnn*
but to me ... this is HUGE!
I've been waiting semi-patiently for this for a very long time now ... let me give you some background.
About 4 years ago my husband and I, not married at the time, were living together and expecting our first child - Miss Karleigh Dawn, we also had an 11 and 15 year old at home. If any of you know Lane very well it will be no surprise that even with 2 kids, 1 more on the way and running a business (from home at that point) the wheels were just spinning in his head as to "what can I do next???" so I clearly remember one evening when he threw the idea out there ... "maybe I should start franchising". Even if I WANTED to ignore this huge thought it wouldn't have mattered, once Lane is passionate about something there is just no stopping it and everyone close to him has to learn the ABC's of his new adventure right along with him ... so, needless to say, the re-brand and transformation of 'Modern Furnace and Air Duct Cleaning' to PURAIR (www.modernpurair.com) began! One night, probably in between a bottle or diaper, after a homework check and possibly an email or 2 from a teacher, we sat down and talked about potentially what would happen to the company during the whole franchise process (which of course involved the office moving out of the house and into its beautiful building out on the north end of town) like anything there were and are huge risks and learning curves, but this is something that he truly believed in and wanted to do. So he asked me "IF this works ... what role do you want to have in it??" I told him, like any smart woman "I want to give away your money" *wink*
Fast forward to today and my wonderful entrepreneurial minded husband has taken that "home business" and turned it into a very (although still sometimes stressful and risk taking) successful and thriving business, currently with 11 franchises and growing, and I am so honored to have shared and STILL be sharing in this journey with him. The PurKids Foundation Inc. is the corporate social responsibility of PURAIR and I am its very proud President! Along with Vice President Janice Nice, Secretary/Treasurer Jaime Laramie and Secretary Lesley Scott we have, after many legal bills so that we do this "properly", set out on a very fun ride! The PurKids Foundation is a non-profit organization (yep! we really do it simply because we love it!) and our main goal is to help children any and everywhere who suffer with airborne illnesses and respiratory ailments. Raising awareness to educate people on WHAT is in the air they're breathing, what its doing to them, and mainly what its doing to their children. I will be keeping you all updated as best I can when we have fundraisers, get togethers, or simply to let you what kind of donations we are making and where. If a thought ever crosses your mind please pass it along to me - I would love to hear any ideas you may have or thoughts on the subject. Stay tuned and thank you for taking a few minutes to read something small in print but that is so tremendously large in my heart! Please join PurKids on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Purkids-Foundation-Inc/127916403889198?ref=ts
Here are a few pictures, our first directors meeting, one of the Sprinter Vans that you may see around town and one of the front entrance at Head Office - Enjoy!