I use the word "blessed" quite frequently. I think that this bothers people sometimes, as if they scour peoples posts, statuses or blogs for the word and then immediately jump to "oh, they're Christian" as if that somehow changes them and they assume that "we" don't have the ability to feel blessed by anything or anyone but God.
Don't get me wrong, I thank God for SO many of the things in my life, I believe that with my whole heart - but I also believe that I am blessed by my husband with a friendship and a love that I could have never imagined. I believe that I am blessed by my kids for filling my life with more than I ever knew I could fit into it, and I am blessed by my friends, the people in my life, everyone that I am surrounded by, whether I chose them on purpose or they were put there just for me.
We spent this weekend in Vancouver, we've been promising our 15 year old (my stepson) for a very long time that we would take him for a couple of days just for a fun trip and life and business always seem to get in the way so this time we planned it, and we did it - nothing in the way :) We even brought his girlfriend along with us! I'm thankful that he not only wants to spend time with us still but that he even seems to enjoy it. Do the free dinners out make it more enjoyable for him? Probably, but I'll just pretend that he loves us THAT much.
Saturday Morning we were getting ready to head downtown, quick stop at Starbucks and we would be on our way. We all ordered, and we waited, and then waited some more and then were told that about half of what we had ordered couldn't be made because they didn't have the things necessary etc, etc. Not a huge deal, just sort of annoying. But they gave us something else instead plus some free drinks and we were out of there.
Before I explain what happened next let me just say this ... besides some of the major hurdles and struggles in my life (which you may or may not know about depending on how much of this blog you have read) things like that are about as bad as it gets. I don't even have to MAKE the coffee myself, so do I really care if they forget to put the Vanilla in my latte or don't have the banana for my smoothie? No, not really - I'll add it when I get home. I order pizza for my family on most Fridays and I always think its funny when they tell me ... "ohhh, that might be about 7 or 8 minutes" .... 7-8 minutes? Take 15 minutes, I dont care! I dont have to cook it and I can see my kids from here watching a movie in the car ... take all the time you want lady :) I can't be that spoiled, I just can't ... and heres why.
As we left Starbucks to head downtown we drove by a house, a driveway, and something I won't soon forget. It was grey and rainy out (typical Vancouver day) and I could see 2 people standing on a driveway. As we got closer I saw luggage in his hands, and then I saw her. Probably the saddest face I have ever seen, just sobbing and even though it was silent from inside the car I felt like I could hear her cries. Clearly he was leaving, and not for a business trip or a "see you later" sort of thing. I thought to myself, this is what it looks like when your love leaves you. It was right there infront of me, standing in the rain, drenched and crying.
So for the husband I was sitting beside, for the latte that was in my hand, and for the 8 minute pizza I consider myself blessed. I am nowhere near where those 2 were and I am so thankful, and its important to me that I acknowledge that.
I don't care who you thank for the things in your life, if you don't have faith in a God do I wish for your sake that you did? Sure, but whats even more important and what I really care about, is that you thank someone, ANYone for your blessings, because we all have them. No matter how bad our day might be, someone elses is always worse. I believe that my outside struggles are so minimal because the ones on the inside of our family are quite substantial and we are never given more than we can handle, so for that, for those tiny bumps in my day - I am thankful, I am blessed.
*here are a few photos from our weekend*
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