Monday, July 25, 2011

6 weeks later

I'm supposed to be packing. Painting my toes. Getting some sleep. Tomorrow morning I leave for Maui with my best friend to celebrate our 3rd Wedding Anniversary.

But I can't do that until I celebrate something else first.

On May 27th I posted this ...

If someone had told me then what the next few weeks would hold I would have never believed them, I suppose there are some things that we need to learn on our own.

On June 13th, 2.5 weeks after posting that, she started treatment.

One week later I took her little sister to visit her ... it started off a little rocky, but ended up being so wonderful.

2 weeks later we took her brother down, she had asked for him and THAT was a huge step. She needed to pay attention to him again for a change and he so very much deserved to see her doing so well, after the years of what we have all seen instead. Later that same day we surprised her with a visit from her dad, an image that will not soon leave my memory and something that, as I was told, was SO amazing and important for her recovery. She needed to know that he was there, and that he loves her ... and she is now certain of that.

2 more weeks, another visit and an incredible conversation (photos from this visit below) I told her about this blog, that I shared details, that anyone who reads it is very likely aware of who I am speaking about. I told her that I will print these off for her to see, to see how it has effected our family also and what it is like on this side, in my mind at least. She was completely ok with that and actually looks forward to reading these posts. She held my hand through the parking lot and into the store as if that was the way it was supposed to be, chatting away and happy ... something we haven't seen her be for years.

This post is very "point form" and maybe a little drab, but if you knew how much emotion is within these lines it would mean so much more. To anyone who has a loved one with an addiction, you will understand. To anyone who has a loved one with an addiction you can read this and know that it IS possible, just as I read other blogs over the last 4 years and couldn't let myself be that hopeful.

I know that not everyone is as fortunate as we are in these situations, and my heart absolutely breaks for those families ... I also know that just because we are on the right path right now, doesn't mean that we will always be on it. I have to remember that fact ... as hard as it is to accept.

6 weeks ago was a day that I never thought I would have to deal with. Never thought I would see at all much less WANT to see.

6 weeks ago a very beautiful soul had a very powerful nudge and made an extremely important decision. She has a long road ahead, as do we as her family ... but wow, we are actually ON that road now!

Now I can go pack, paint my toes, whatever. Most importantly though - we can go away tomorrow, leave the country, and know that all 4 kids are safe ... thats a first, and a very welcomed one.


  1. Great pics. Thanks for sharing, she looks great xo
    - Les-

  2. You may have not felt like you were portraying emotion but rest assured you were. I have tears in my eyes reading this, knowing that Logan is safe, secure and growing in this new chapter of her life. Such a hard road, such a long road but OH so worth it!!!!
    Please tell her I am praying for her, and your whole family. That each of you will find your place in this new chapter. That Logan will ultimately be able to accept herself, broken pieces and all. May her heavenly Father take each and every piece and knit them back together with His love, His grace and His tears.
    Love you all
