Thursday, February 17, 2011

when I grow up

I remember having a conversation with my Mom once. I was looking at her Wedding Dress, which for the record I think is pretty. It isn't a big, fancy gown ... in fact she made it the night before her Wedding. If you know my Mom, this isn't really a big shock.

I asked her "am I supposed to wear this when I get married??" half seriously wanting to know but thinking to myself "what if she actually says YES!"
She looked at me and said "oh I hope not!" haha

Today though, when Karleigh stepped into MY Wedding gown, the one I wore when I married her Daddy, and she was my little flower girl, she looked up at me and said "can I wear this when I get married??"

I mostly definitely said YES!

Enjoy these sweet pictures of my little girl ... I kept it together today, but if she wears this down the aisle one day I will need a LOT of kleenex!

if you haven't seen my website please check it out *

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day ... whats your take on it

Valentines Day ... I like it.

Do I think its been blown way out of proportion ... perhaps. Do I think it's a sad day for those who are single ... not at all. I think its awesome that there is one day set aside to just be lovey, be warm and fuzzy. One day where God made sure that all the couples in the world had the chance for at least one date night a year. One day out of 365 that is set aside to choose someone or something that means so much to you, one person or maybe a special group of friends, and love them a little extra just for 24 hours.

There will always be people who don't like something ... those who hate Valentines Day may also be those who hate Christmas or dread their next birthday ... you can't please everyone, but as for me ... Im cool with it.

This morning when Karleigh woke up I said "guess what?? Happy Valentines Day!"
She looked at me and said "Thanks Mom!! I've been waiting for this day for years ago!!!" (yes I know ... it makes no sense, but in her 4 year old mind its just right) She then pranced off to preschool in her heart leggings and "jumping jeans" aka her jean jumper and handed out all her little hand made cards to the 6 boys that are in her class, yep, Karleigh and 6 boys. She also told me at least 8 times throughout the day "thanks for Valentines Day Mom"

So really ... seriously ... how can I NOT love a day like that.

Thats all xo